Insulation is the main protectant under your roof that helps maintain a comfortable temperature in your house year-round.

When properly applied, it can make the difference between having a reasonable energy bill and shingle longevity or facing exorbitant energy bills and potentially damaging your roofing installation.

As simple as applying some attic insulation may seem, it’s a process that should be approached carefully to be certain that you get a correct installation.

Whether you’re going to do it yourself or plan on hiring roofers to take care of the job, know these important details about attic insulation and how it can affect your home and your roof!

Too Much or Not Enough Insulation?

A common insulation issue that many homeowners deal with is not having enough insulation in their attic; every DIY show you watch about leaking roofs always find inadequate roofing insulation in every home they rehab.

Insufficient insulation allows warm air in the winter to permeate up into the attic and escape through the roof and attic vents as well as makes it harder to keep the house cool in summer.

A natural reaction might be to add more insulation; however, it’s very easy to add too much which only creates a roof that’s too hot that results in condensation, bubbling, and other heat-related conditions.

Your attic needs a balanced amount of insulation to stop cold air from entering the house while keeping the attic space cool enough to prevent damage to the roof.

Experienced roofers always make sure there is enough roofing ventilation to release hot air and enough of the right R-value insulation for the conditions.

Sometimes Insulation Needs Replacing

Roofing contractors often hear their client voice a common misconception, namely that attic insulation lasts forever.

In actuality, it can flatten over time, lose effectiveness due to dampness in the attic, and suffer other damage that reduces its ability to insulate your roof.

It’s a good idea to periodically go into your attic and gauge the condition of the insulation and look for signs that it needs replacing.

Damp, deteriorating, and flattening insulation as well as bare spots where you can see the roof or ceiling are all indicators your insulation should be replaced.

If you’re noticing higher utility bills with no other explanation, old insulation may be to blame.

Older homes may need their insulation replaced to improve energy efficiency if it’s never been done before.

Buy the Right Kind of Insulation

Roof insulation comes in loose fill type that is blown in or poured out of bags, batt or blanket style that comes in sheets or rolls that are trimmed to fit, or foam that is sprayed on.

Generally speaking, overhead rafters should be insulated with batt style insulation that is carefully fit between the rafters to stay in place and attic floors can be insulated with either.

Spray foam insulation should be carefully applied by a professional as it’s easy to spray on too much under the roof and cause the problems mentioned above.

You can also use a combination of these materials as long as you get the desired effect of enough but not too much insulation.

Have A Professional Roofer Insulate Your Attic

With so much at stake with the seemingly simple task of applying attic insulation, it may be easier to consult a roofing contractor to discuss your needs and professionally install needed insulation.

If your attic needs more ventilation, you can arrange for that and be assured that the insulation is correctly applied.

Enjoy greater energy efficiency and the knowledge that your roof has been properly insulated!

Need Roof Insulation In College Station TX?

Contact College Station Roofing Today!

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